Yayoi Kusama Inspired Art

Yayoi Kusama Inspired Art

The children loved the Yayoi Kusama Online Art Workshop. Her visual style and the polka dot motive that appears throughout her art, really spoke to them.

During the session I explained to the children how Kusama uses her creativity to cope with her emotions.

Each child created a Kusama portrait and then painted their own Kusama inspired vegetable!

I always encourage the children to continue to create after the workshop has finished and I hope that the sessions inspire that - after this session I was contacted with the most amazing photograph of two of the incredible children who recreated one of the Kusama photographs that we looked at in the workshop (see the first two images below!)

Here are just some of the incredible art works created.

Please share with friends and relatives - at the bottom of the page, they can leave comments for the children !

If your child missed out on the Live Online Yayoi Kusama Children's Art Workshop, don't despair - they can take part in the On-Demand Yayoi Kusama Online Workshop. As it is pre-recorded, your child can watch and pause at their leisure. It should keep your children engaged in creativity for approx one-three hours (dependent on age and concentration levels).

And it's just one price per family too!

More details and booking: Yayoi Kusama On-Demand Art Inspiration Workshop

Yayoi Kusama Children's Art WorkshopYayoi Kusama Children's Art Class

src="//cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0043/0043/9665/files/kusama_art_class_for_children_888_1024x1024.png?v=1589198090" alt="Yayoi Kusama Children's Art Class" /><img src="//cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0043/0043/9665/files/kusama_childrens_art_class_99999_1024x1024.png?v=1589198075" alt="Yayoi Kusama Children's Art Class" /><img Yayoi Kusama Children's Art Classsrc="//cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0043/0043/9665/files/kusama_art_class_for_children_888_1024x1024.png?v=1589198090" alt="Yayoi Kusama Children's Art Class" /><img src="//cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0043/0043/9665/files/kusama_childrens_art_class_99999_1024x1024.png?v=1589198075" alt="Yayoi Kusama Children's Art Class" /><img Yayoi Kusama Children's Art ClassYayoi Kusama Children's Art ClassYayoi Kusama Children's Art ClassYayoi Kusama Children's Art ClassYayoi Kusama Children's Art ClassYayoi Kusama Children's Art ClassYayoi Kusama Children's Art ClassYayoi Kusama Children's Art ClassYayoi Kusama Children's Art ClassYayoi Kusama Children's Art ClassYayoi Kusama Children's Art ClassYayoi Kusama Children's Art ClassYayoi Kusama Children's Art ClassYayoi Kusama Children's Art ClassYayoi Kusama Children's Art ClassYayoi Kusama Children's Art ClassYayoi Kusama Children's Art ClassYayoi Kusama Children's Art ClassYayoi Kusama Children's Art ClassYayoi Kusama Children's Art ClassYayoi Kusama Children's Art ClassYayoi Kusama Children's Art ClassYayoi Kusama Children's Art ClassYayoi Kusama Children's Art Class
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